
The fragrance industry encompasses the creation, production, and distribution of scents used in various products, including luxury perfumes, everyday personal care items, and household goods. Key segments of the industry include fine fragrances, which are often viewed as luxury items and focus on high-quality, sometimes rare ingredients; consumer products, which incorporate fragrances into items like soaps and detergents; and niche fragrances that target specific, often more discerning, customers with unique and artisanal scents. Fragrances revolve around the formation, production, and marketing of scents that enhance products and create memorable sensory experiences.


Encapsulants are revolutionizing the fragrance industry by enhancing scent delivery and longevity through controlled release technologies. These microscopic capsules protect volatile fragrance compounds from environmental degradation, ensuring the fragrance's integrity until activated by specific triggers such as pressure, heat, or body motion. This technology not only prolongs the scent's presence but also broadens the scope of product formulations, allowing fragrances to be incorporated into water-based and other complex mediums without compromising stability.

Encapsulation improves the consumer experience by providing prolonged and touch-activated fragrance bursts, particularly in personal care and textile applications. By optimizing the quantity of fragrance needed, encapsulation contributes to more sustainable and efficient product designs, offering significant marketing and environmental benefits.

extend the scent

Zemac™ E400 Encapsulant is copolymer for microencapsulation, controlled release of fragrances, and enhanced product performance. Zemac E400 is used to prolong the duration of the fragrance or the efficacy of the active ingredients.